Posten signering
Sign documents digitally with ease

An easy-to-use service for signing documents and contracts digitally. Upload your own contracts or get a suitable one from the Norwegian Consumer Council. Pay with Vipps and sign with BankID.
Illustration of man in a chair at home holding a cellphone and a dog on the floor

Posten signering is a digital signing service. It makes it easy to sign documents and contracts. Whether you are buying a used car or renting out an apartment, Posten signering is the easiest way to sign the deal. Get your contract from the Norwegian Consumption Council or upload your own. Pay with Vipps and sign with BankID. You only pay for what you send. It is easy to use, eco-friendly and timesaving.

For English language on Posten signering homepage; see link at the bottom of the site.

Here's how to do it:

  1. Upload the contract or document that is to be signed
  2. Invite those who are to sign via email
  3. Pay with Vipps
  4. Read through the document and sign with BankID
  5. Download the signed agreement

Questions and answers about Posten signering

  • Digital signatures are signatures made with an electronic ID. An electronic ID can identify a specific person and can be sent electronically. It has the same function as a physical identification card, such as a passport, birth certificate or certificate. The E-Signature Act makes signatures with an electronic ID legally binding, and it is as safe as a handwritten signature.

  • Posten signering may be used by public and private organizations, as well as private persons. You must be authenticated through BankID, BankID on mobile or Buypass to sign documents. MinID and Commfides may also be used when signing documents from the public authorities.

  • You do not need to create an account to use Posten signering. You just need to upload the documents you want to send for signature and complete all the steps in the process.

  • You only pay for what you use, and there are no start-up or monthly fees associated with the service. See our prices here.

  • When someone sends you a signing request, you will receive an email or SMS containing a link you can use to start signing. You must then choose which electronic ID you wish to sign with, and carry out the signing.