Identification and mandates
Posten is concerned that the postal items are delivered to the correct recipient. Therefore, you must identify yourself before you get given a registered mail or value consignment. You may also have to show identification when picking up a parcel.
We do note that in some transactions the Posten representative is required to copy the identity document.
Documents approved as identification:
- Norwegian bank card with identification part (image with more)
- Norwegian driver license issued as of 01.01.1998
- Digital drivers license
- Norwegian passport
- Norwegian immigration passport and travel document
- Foreign passport
- Norwegian National Identity Card
- European identity card (Identity Card). National ID cards that some European countries have; Norway included. They are valid ID in the EU and Schengen countries (including Norway).
- Digital ID in the BankID app

Documents not approved as identification in the following cases:
- Nordic driver license is not approved as identification for PUM (Personal Delivery With Receipt) or other postal services.
- Digital ID in the BankID app is not approved as identification for PUM (Personal Delivery With Receipt).