Stamp collecting

The Stamp Service
The Stamp Service is Posten's special department for the production, marketing and sale of Norwegian stamps and associated collectible products. In addition, we sell foreign stamps, older Norwegian stamps, albums and collectors' equipment.
Personalised stamps
Personalised stamps are perfect for wedding invitations and greeting cards, confirmations, baptisms, as well as Christmas cards.
Our products
Norwegian stamps and various collectible products from Posten. See our large and varied selection.
Open a subscription
Find your favorites among our subscriptions – stamps, yearbook, year sets and other collectible products. See our rich selection.
Stamp issues
7th November 2024
Christmas stamps
This year’s Christmas stamps have been made by children from Drøbak Primary School using artificial intelligence.
7th November 2024
Blood and organ donation
On 7 November, two stamps will be issued with the themes of blood donation and organ donation. With this issue, we want to highlight critical areas within the health sector.
5th October 2024
Research, Innovation, Technology
On 5 October, the last two stamps in the Research, innovation, technology series will be issued. The themes this time are the Legacy of Nansen - symbolized by the research ship “Kronprins Haakon” and ocean currents and climate symbolized by the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research.
Upcoming releases in 2025:
26 February
UN Biodiversity Agreement
Artist/designer: Jørn O. Jøntvedt.
One stamp in sheet. Denomination NOK 56.
26 February
Nordic World Ski Championships / Sondre Norheim Bicentenary
Artist/designer: Camilla Kvien Jensen.
Four stamps in roll. Denomination NOK 25 (domestic 20 g).
24 April
Stavanger 900th Anniversary
Artist/designer: Magnus Rakeng / Ingrid Hopen Riber.
Two stamps in roll. Denomination NOK 31 (domestic 50 g).
24 April
Archaeological discoveries (Europa stamps)
Artist/designer: Kristin Slotterøy.
Two stamps in sheets. Denomination NOK 33 (Europe 20 g).
12 June
The Year of Outdoor Recreation
Artist/designer: Julie Olsen.
Four stamps in roll. Denomination NOK 25 (domestic 20 g).
12 June
Emigration to North America Bicentenary
Artist/designer: Martin Mörck.
One stamp in booklet. Denomination NOK 39 (worldwide 20 g) and one miniature sheet NOK 25 (domestic 20 g).
4 October
Norwegian Broadcasting Centenary
Artist/designer: Enzo Finger.
Four stamps in roll. Denomination NOK 25 (domestic 20 g).
4 October
Pets / Domesticated Animals
Artist/designer: Cecilie Sørgård.
Two stamps in booklet. Denomination NOK 25 (domestic 20 g).
10 October
World Mental Health Day
Artist/designer: Camilla Kvien Jensen.
One stamp in a roll. Denomination NOK 31 (domestic 50 g).
7 November
Christmas stamps
Artist/designer: Esra Røise.
Two stamps in booklet. Denomination NOK 25 (domestic 20 g).
Useful to a stamp collector
Receive information about new stamps, stamp launches, events and new design date stamps by email. We keep you updated on what is happening so you do not miss the goodies.
Contact us
Tel: 23 14 78 70 (Mon–Fri 8–16)
Visiting address:
Persveien 34-36, Oslo (Mon–Fri 9–15)
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