5 October 2019 - Pets

Did you know that pets can help lower a person’s blood pressure and pulse? And that dog-lovers and cat-lovers have different personality traits?

It is estimated that there are around 800,000 households in Norway with at least one pet. Research shows that animals can have a positive impact on people. Petting our four-legged friends can supposedly help lower our blood pressure and our pulse. 

NK 2015

According to researchers at the University of California, cat-owners are more creative and adventurous, but they are also more apprehensive and anxious. Dog-owners, on the other hand, are more extroverted and self-assured, but they are not as willing to take risks.

NK 2016


The earliest indication that people kept pets in Norway is the Varanger dog, a skeleton of which was found dating back between 5,000 and 7,000 years. This dog was primarily a utility animal, but it probably was also a pet.