Issue 11 November 2022 Christmas stamps

Gingerbread is most often made at Christmas. The world's largest "gingerbread town" is built every December in the Norwegian city of Bergen.

And in 2016, Holmestrand proudly presented the world’s longest gingerbread train in connection with the official opening of its new railway station inside the mountain. 

NK 2085

In December 2021, Norway Post and the TV 2 breakfast show God Morgen Norge jointly launched a contest on Facebook and Instagram asking people to send in photos of their own gingerbread creations. The four winning entries would be the motifs for the 2022 Christmas stamps. The entries included gingerbread houses, gingerbread men and other shapes, and decorations. Two winners were selected by an expert panel of judges consisting of Wenche Andersen from God Morgen Norge, stamp designer Camilla Kvien Jensen and Stamp Director Halvor Fasting. The other two winners were voted by God Morgen Norge viewers.

NK 2086
NK 2087
NK 2088


  • NK 2085-88
  • Motifs: Gingerbread houses, gingerbread man
  • Design: Camilla Kvien Jensen
  • Photos: Elin Vatnar Nilsen, Mette Randem, Maren Baxter
  • Denomination: NOK 19 (domestic 20g) x 4
  • Issued in: Booklet of 10 stamps
  • Print run: NK 2085 and 2086: 965,000, NK 2087 and 2088: 665,000
  • Print: Offset by Joh. EnschedĂ© Security Print, The Netherlands