Services at Posten

Across the country there are Post Offices and Post in Stores that can help you with a variety of services.

You can:

Banking services at Norway Post:

From 1 September 2020, banking services at Posten ceased. Contact DNB for questions on telephone 23 02 10 50.

Pickup deadline

The pick-up deadline is 7 days after the shipment has arrived at the recipient's pick-up location. Exception for parcels with only a physical pick-up notification (for example a parcel bought via country postman) which still has 14 days. If the package is not picked up by the recipient within the deadline, the shipment will be returned to the sender.

After your shipment has arrived at Posten, you have 7 days or 3 weeks to collect it.

For these shipments, you have a 3-week pick-up deadline:

  • Letters that are too large for the mailbox (domestic and from abroad)
  • Registered letter (domestic and from abroad)
  • Insured letter (domestic and from abroad)

For all other shipments, there is a 7-day collection deadline

  • For all shipments other than those mentioned above and which are delivered to a pick-up location, you have a 7-day pick-up deadline. For example, this now applies to:
    • Norgespakke™ small
    • Norgespakke™ large
    • Norgespakke™ with postal collection

You can easily and free of charge extend the pick-up deadline from 7 to 14 days in the Posten app or via SMS.

More about pickup deadlines

If you do not want to pick up the shipment yourself, you can order Home delivery.

Deadline of submissions

If you need to send a parcel, it can be delivered to Posten. If you want it to be shipped the same day, it is important to deliver the parcel before the submission deadline that applies to the current delivery location. Check the deadlines by looking up the place in our map.